Little Sleepers Subscription
Unlimited Questions | Your personal Sleep Consultant right in your back pocket!
Package Inclusions
Welcome to Little Muffins Subscription | Back by popular demand! Have a question you need answered that pops up sporadically, need clarification on routine changes and settling tweaks or a quick plan for an upcoming event ? Our Subscription has you covered! This service is also perfect to move into after our 1:1 support for extra guidance or simply reassurance. Managing day to day adjustments, routine tweaks, how to manage activities around sleep, how to manage dropping of naps, how to manage holidays/regressions/teething and all other major life changes that can disrupt sleep, back to basics with settling plus more... Offering: -Unlimited text support within business hours (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) -10% of LM Initial Consults & Plans (excluding add on support options) -5% off LM Products -Cancel anytime, rejoin anytime - we aren't going anywhere and you'r not locked in so join for 1 month or 12, choice is yours! *pricing is per child, so if you have multiple children please purchase accordingly. * t&c's apply upon checkout *PLEASE CHECK OUT BY CLICKING - 'EXPLORE PLANS' to set up the recurring subscription. If you click Invest Now it will let you purchase 1 month only not an ongoing plan. If this is for you, please follow below instructions: *Please choose your preferred day to commence your subscription. The site will need you to choose a day & time, please choose any time available, this will begin your 1 month subscription* *Upon booking and paying for your first month an email confirmation will be sent out outlining all the subscription Terms & Conditions as well as recurring monthly payment information* *Note: This package is not personalised 1:1 support. Advice is general so if questions or goals are complex, further 1:1 support is/will be recommended at the time.